We always start the industrial design process by asking these questions below:

  • What is the idea? What are problems or requirements?
  • Who is going to use the product that solves related problem? And what are the specific requirements of that user?
  • What should the additional requirements or values be?

We adopt “design thinking” approach in our product development studies.

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The methodology of design thinking

Design thinking, which is originated in Stanford University, paved the way for the development of life changing products in recent years. Shortly, it is an effective method to create solutions to problems cognitively by designs made.

At the beginning of each project, our team try to establish empathy by evaluating the project from user point of view with the guidance of design thinking. We identify existing and possible requirements, problems, and their causes. Through brainstorming, we develop multiple solutions and concepts that can solve the problems. We create prototypes and test them with real users. After that, we choose the best concept for the user.

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We follow the steps below in all concept development processes.

Identification of Customer Needs:

One of the main objectives of the product development process is that the product should respond to the needs.

In the customer need identification phase, we pay attention to defining user-specific needs, understanding aesthetic concerns, studying trends, forecasting additional needs of the user, and adding more value to the product.

We use effective research methods in order to analyze customer needs better and identify the root causes of problems and needs.

Idea Generation:

It is necessary to set unique and innovative objectives in the idea generation phase. That is why we always brainstorm in every project and develop unique ideas through continuous innovation which can respond to user needs and offer even more.


Whether the generated ideas are marketable or not should be figured out before the production stage.  We use the following methods to determine user behavior, preferences, tendencies, habits and values:

  • Questionnaire
  • Trend Research
  • Market Research
  • One-on-one Interview
  • User Test
Concept Selection:

After the concept is defined with necessary specifications, the visuals, sketches and drafts of the product are started to be created.

Various concepts with sizes, materials, forms and innovative aspects that fit user defined boundary conditions are drawn.

Concept design is finalized after the best alternatives are chosen with the guidance of our customers.